Accessing Salesforce Record Fields with JavaScript
I wanted to share with you a utility function that I’ve created and stored in my Static Resources
. I’m using this function to dynamically access fields from JavaScript objects that represent Salesforce records obtained by sforce.connection.query
or Remote Action
. Here’s the function below:
* Get the sub records field value if the API contains dots
* @param {[Object]} record [Record containing the field]
* @param {[String]} api [Property path (e.g. - Order_Line__r.Order_Line_Premise__r.Id)]
* @return {[Field_Value]} [Null - if part of the path is not defined, otherwise it will return the value of the field]
var getRecordField = function(record, api){
var subRecords = api.split('.');
var topLevelObj = record;
for(var i = 0; i < subRecords.length - 1; i++){
if(topLevelObj == null){
return null;
topLevelObj = topLevelObj[subRecords[i]];
if(topLevelObj == null || topLevelObj[subRecords[subRecords.length-1]] == null){
return null;
return topLevelObj[subRecords[subRecords.length-1]];
Sample use:
var test = {
one_property: 'something',
another_property : {
nested_property : 'nested',
nested_array : [
{x : 'y'}, {x : 'z'}
//get first level property
console.log(getRecordField(test, 'one_property'));
//get property of a nested object
console.log(getRecordField(test, 'another_property.nested_property'));
//you can even access an array objects
console.log(getRecordField(test, 'another_property.nested_array.1.x'));
I’ve found this method to be incredibly useful when I have to work with hierarchy of objects returned from Salesforce (e.g. - record.Order_Line__r.Primary_Site__r.Street_Addess__c
). I hope that you’ll find this useful as well.
Written on June 3, 2016